How to book online

Step by step instructions on booking your gym, swim or studio session online!

How to register your online account
  1. Go to our member login page
  2. Click ‘Reset Password’
  3. Put your email address in the field and click submit
  4. Go to your email and follow the instructions to reset your password
  5. You will now be able to login to your member area and link your membership
  6. Go to ‘My Account’ and click ‘Linked Accounts’ from the drop-down menu
  7. Under ‘Memberships’, click ‘Connect to My Membership’
  8. Enter your details in the required field and click ‘Connect’
  9. You will now be able to book your gym and/or classes using your online account
How to book a studio class
  1. Log in to your member account
  2. Select ‘Make a Booking’
  3. Select the Club – Choose the centre you wish to book
  4. Select the Category – ‘Studio Class’
  5. Select the Activity –  ‘Studio Class’
  6. Select – View Timetable
  7. Continue to book your studio class, continue to basket, accept T&C’s and finish and/or pay for all transactions within the basket.
  8. You will receive a class confirmation email.
  9. Show your email to the team on reception when attending your gym session.
How to book a swim
  1. Go to our online ticketing page
  2. Select Activity – Click ‘Swim session’ from the drop-down menu
  3. Select Club – Ensure Barrow Park is selected
  4. Select Session Date – Choose the date you want to book your swim for
  5. Select Location – Click ‘Main Pool’ (this will include all Leisure Pool sessions too)
  6. Click ‘Display ALL sessions’
  7. Click search
  8. Click the session you want to book (make sure you check the availability of the session on the left-hand side where it says, ‘Tickets Available’. If you see a ‘0’, then this means the session is fully booked).
  9. Select the tickets you require for your chosen swim session. If you are a member, enter your member number against the correct ticket for your membership (i.e. Adult Swim) Discounts will be applied if your membership is eligible for a reduced price or free access
  10. You can also purchase any tickets for up to 5 other members or non-members at this point
  11. Accept T&C’s and finish and/or pay for all transactions within the basket.
  12. Check your email for a booking confirmation & show this to reception when you arrive for your swim
Please note that these tickets can be bought online 7 days in advance online or in centre 5 days in advance (via contactless payment)
How to cancel a studio class

On a PC:

  1. Expand ‘View Bookings’
  2. Select ‘View My Bookings’

On a mobile phone:

  1. Expand the 4 Lines (top right hand corner)
  2. Expand View Bookings
  3. Select View My Bookings

Please note swimming sessions cannot be cancelled once booked. This functionality is not available and is detailed in the T&C’s when booking a swim. A late cancellation charge of £3.50 will be applied for studio classes cancelled after the 2 hour notice period. 

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